WyseGuys Computer

What do the Wyse Guys Do?

Wyse Guys: Services we offer

While it might make sense that there are no services to be offered from a company that is out of business, that is another unique ability of the Wyse Guys. Here are some helpful things you can do to make computers a better experience for you and everybody else

  • Visit our links page and see if one of the sites we recommend can help you out with information.
  • Visit our FAQ on who we recommend. Just because we can’t do it doesn’t mean that there aren’t a few other highly qualified people who can.
  • Since Chris is now a software e-commerce programmer, he may have something you need.

    Chris works for a big ol company now and has nothing for you.

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We here at the management of dipstick websites LLC have decided to not show ads because apparently this is getting flagged.

I wonder my site and all 100 people per month will drop to an even smaller trickle now that I have cost the great overlords a few pennies?